
thanks for supporting our petition
5 May

Thanks for supporting our petition. Result!

Author: Chelliah Nakeeran

The government has recently decided to provide grants for businesses with shared workspaces. This was as a result of significant pressure brought about by our petition, along with other voices across industry, highlighting the unfairness of grants not applying to a large section of businesses – particularly those working from shared workspaces. The statement on … Continue reading Thanks for supporting our petition. Result!

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1 May


Author: Chelliah Nakeeran

Barclays boss, Jes Staley recently commented, that in his opinion, having thousands of bank workers in big expensive city offices ‘may be a thing of the past’ There is no doubt that the current situation has caused many people on both sides of the employer/ staff divide to question what was, before Coronavirus was a … Continue reading WILL COVID-19 CREATE A NEW PARADIGM FOR HOW WE WORK?

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5 Symptoms you’re going a little Stir Crazy
27 Mar

5 Symptoms you’re going a little Stir Crazy!

Author: Chelliah Nakeeran

You feel something’s a little out, but is it just a momentary lapse, or something more serious? You’ve heard friends and family state they’re going a little ‘stir crazy’ in the Covid-19 lockdown, but what are the signs this is really happening to you..? 1, You’re brewing up, like, all the time Sure, you liked … Continue reading 5 Symptoms you’re going a little Stir Crazy!

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2020 UK Budget and what it means for remote workers
11 Mar

The 2020 UK Budget and what it means for remote workers

Author: Chelliah Nakeeran

Chancellor Rishi Sunak is to present a Budget promising one of the biggest investments in Infrastructure to its highest levels in decades. The chancellor is quoted as saying, ‘”We have listened and will now deliver on our promise to level up the UK, ensuring everyone has the same chances and opportunities in life, wherever they … Continue reading The 2020 UK Budget and what it means for remote workers

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